~25 public health, science and general interest podcasts with contact info and descriptions; good possibilities for pitching science communicators around Defend Public Health's key messages and goals. Thanks to a colleague for helping me compile this.
bethlinas, brucemirken and 3 others-
Thanks for putting this list together. This is a new podcast I found that is pretty good: https://www.publichealthisdead.com. It’s Canadian but still discusses the failures of public health. It hit the #1 Science spot in the Apple Podcasts Canada charts during its week of debut.
This is great. I created a Google sheet as well. I will also see if I can set up a page with feeds of new podcasts. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IXlzxmsJ8YdtiyGwTL3zoG4BOp33UantVFwOE-kJZto/edit?usp=sharing
I added the links from your spreadsheet to the site here:
I will see if I can get a feed of individual podcasts based on the list. -
I started to build a feed from these podcasts, at least the ones that provide an RSS feed. You can find it here. https://sciencecollaborative.org/podcasts/