jgolden08 posted an update in the group
5 weeks agoDPH Communications Committee
I wrote this (typo in title is from the editor!) and used my inside voice to attack the RFK, Jr. falsehoods with a little history. Amplify if you feel like it. https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/5117075-long-covid-chronic-disease
Administrator, Aurora Horstkamp and 3 others-
Excellent. There is so much absurdity in this notion that he will focus on chronic diseases. First, as you point out, there is no sharp line between infectious and chronic disease. Second, the majority of federal research is focused on chronic diseases already. Third, there are many programs out there to promote healthy diets and habits. Much of the problem is that unregulated capitalism gives us food and habits that prey on our weaknesses and this administration is stripping away the regulations that exist.
That article was spot on and written perfectly for lay people. Thank you so much for writing it. I boosted on Mastodon and also shared to my circle of friends