Communications Committee

  • Communications Committee

    Posted by BobMorris on January 6, 2025 at 6:53 am

    Introductory email from Beth and Bruce:

    Dear Colleagues,

    Thank you for indicating your interest in the Communications Committee for Defending Public Health. We are grateful to have you on board! We wanted to touch base with all of you to let you know where the committee stands now, and what you can expect in the coming weeks.

    First, the Coordinating Committee for Defending Public Health has now had numerous meetings to discuss infrastructure, and have made a lot of progress. As of now, Bruce Mirken and Elizabeth Jacobs are interim co-chairs of the Communications Committee, but we are open to growing the number of co-chairs or having a rotating Chair system.

    Second, immediately after the start of the new year, we will send a survey to all of you querying about interests, resources, experience, and ideas for making communications for this group a success. We’ll also try to get a sense of what communications tools (e.g. media relations or graphics software, etc.) we might be able to access fairly quickly as we get rolling. Because of the urgency of the situation, we have little choice but to build the plane while we’re flying it! Please keep an eye out for this email which will arrive in your inbox during the first week in January. We will also include a Doodle Poll to set up our first committee meeting, which we hope to hold as soon as possible after we hear from everyone.

    Again, we are incredibly grateful for your interest and support, and we are looking forward to working with you on the extremely important job of defending public health.

    Best regards and warm wishes for an excellent holiday.

    Beth and Bruce

    BobMorris replied 2 weeks, 2 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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