Aloha, team! One thing we didn’t have time to discuss during our Zoom meeting yesterday that I want to pursue in the relatively near future is media spokesperson training for our key science/medical folks. I don’t know everyone that well yet, but in my experience a lot of medical folks (and others who work in highly technical fields) often struggle to communicate in simple, plain English and speak in sound bites, etc. I don’t have the survey results in front of me, but I think one person expressed an interest in stuff like this, including helping equip people to combat misinformation. If you’d like to work on this, please send me a direct message. No mad rush — I’m committed elsewhere today — but do want to get the ball rolling on this in the next couple weeks. Thanks.
lfralston, bethlinas and 2 others-
Hi Bruce! I’ve gone through media training before and I believe Jennifer has a background in PR if I’m not mistaken. Happy to jump in to help.
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Thanks! It’s going to be a while before I remember everyone! Let’s see who all replies.
I recommend media training for all who want it, I certainly benefited from the workshops I have done. I want to attend, and may be able to contribute.
Agreed. Our to-do list is long, but this is definitely on it. I may lead the first one, unless someone else with relevant experience is interested, in which case we’ll figure out how to do it together.
I was thinking about this after the zoom meeting and I’m glad it’s on other people’s minds as well. Would love to get media training and to share my own experiences in “dumbing down” technical/medical terms for the masses.